What does a frozen hairy mammoth have to do with a book?  Glad you Asked.  Read!

Frozen Hairy Mammoths Where the hell did they come from, you ask? Even if you didn't ask, this is worth knowing. You've heard of hairy mammoths. Extinct elephant like beasts that roamed the Earth. How long ago, did you ask? Therein lies the story. There are many of these found in Russia (Siberia), and remains have been found that were frozen quickly enough that putrefaction did not occur. Frozen fast enough that the meat is still edible. How would you do that to a piece of meat that weighs over a ton. If you're the Jolly Green Giant, you flash freeze. That means you would blow a -20 degree blast of air onto and over the target at 100-200 miles per hour. In a few seconds, frozen peas, or whatever. That would be one hell of a chill factor. I can see that working on a one pound package of peas, but it is hard to imagine that scenario with a one ton mammoth. Did I forget to mention that some of these Is this what the mammoths were eating?  Maybe big green leaves.  Maybe tropical ferns.mammoths are found with their last bite of food in their mouth, unswallowed. That would certainly imply that they were caught off guard and didn't have time to swallow that last bite. So what were thay eating in Siberia? Moss? Sticks? Tree bark? Would you believe that the last bite in their mouths is tropical foliage. Since they were eating where they were frozen, it means that Siberia was tropical when the event occured. The event being the quick freezing. It's sure as hell not tropical today. We aren't talking ice age, because those periods are gradual change. No flash freezing in ice ages. The tropical foliage certifies the fact that Siberia was tropical. How about the element of time. Flash frozen, edible, not putrefied or petrifried. Not very old then, but how old. Maybe 5500-6000 years ago. No way, you say! That's within recorded history. What if the space magnet that we call Earth got a little too close to another space magnet and the two magnets reacted to each other's presence, as magnets will do. A good test here is to take two small, strong magnets, and set one of the magnets on a thin table top (wood, ceramic), and with the other magnet locked in your fingertips, reach under the table and bring the magnet in your hand directly underneath the one on the table top. If the magnets are attracting (sticking together through the table), turn over the one in your fingertips, and repeat bringing it directly under the magnet on the tabletop. Now that they are repelling, the magnet on the table will jump in the air and flip over. That happens wthout the magnets This is a really big magnet.  But it is a magnet.  Antartica highlighted in red.  Roll lthis around with an arrow on it.coming in physical contact. You've heard of the North pole and South pole, haven't you? Well they are magnetic poles. OK, so some celestial magnet got a little too close to mother Earth, how does this flash freeze hairy mammoths, and why didn't anybody notice? The Earth magnet turns, moves the tropical region to the polar region, and moves polar regions to temperate and tropical regions. Where this ice melted, there would appear to have been an ice age. Wouldn't there be an awesome wind created when the atmosphere is relatively unaffected by the magnetic field, but loosely bound by gravity. There sure would, hundreds of miles per hour, but the hairy mammoth would This is just to remind you what polar regions look like.  Brrr.  Cold.  Ice.  Frozen.very quickly be standing in a polar climate with an awesome wind. Flash frozen. Good enough to eat. People would have noticed, you say. They did, and it's in the Bible. "The sun now rises from whence it set." "The elders are learning the new seasons." There is much more. This text paraphrases a small portion of the evidence presented by Immanuel Velikovsky in His book "Worlds in Collision."