Come on in. The boys have been waiting for you. Squeeze through the clutter and grab a Ruppert Knickerbocker from the fridge ("little Knick" size, naturally).

The 1965 Schwinn catalog.
Let's go to Bernie's Bicycle Shop
on Brunswick Avenue for a new bike!

Are we recording now . . .?

You never know what you'll find in the Garage.
Here's an interesting item . . .
You'll fit more than a few Fluffernutters in this baby.
How about some tunes?

And remember -- nothing suits a 1960's garage
better than a 1960's garage band. Like this one ...
Here's their business card.

To see the band's members, visit
The Boys of Allwood
But first...

Grab another Knick
on the way out.

This one's for YOU.